Dla dzieci Witryny > For kids > Cartoons > Johnny Bravo > SEASON 3 (Johnny Bravo) > Johnny Bravo | Johnny Gets the Hiccups | Cartoon Network

Johnny Bravo | Johnny Gets the Hiccups | Cartoon Network

Johnny Bravo | Johnny Gets the Hiccups | Cartoon Network

Johnny Bravo | Johnny Gets the Hiccups | Cartoon Network

Johnny Bravo: is the most handsome man alive, at least he thinks he is… and he’s certain that all women want him. With his big hair, slick clothes and karate chops? who could resist? At least Momma is there to pick up the pieces. Especially with friends like Carl, Pops and little Suzy.


Johnny Bravo is an American animated television series created by Van Partible for Cartoon Network, and the second of the network’s Cartoon Cartoons. The series centers on the title character, a muscular and boorish young man who tries to get women to date him, though he is usually unsuccessful. He ends up in bizarre situations and predicaments, often accompanied by celebrity guest characters such as Donny Osmond or Adam West. Throughout its run, the show was known for its adult humor and pop culture references. Johnny himself is loosely based on Elvis Presley.

see other episodes Johnny Bravo.

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